Saturday, 30 May 2009

EU Energy Statistics

The information in this post has been moved to:

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is that noone asks the BASIC question:

    Why all the energy effficiency regulation mania ANYWAY?

    There is no particular society need to save electricity!
    More onwards

    1. Electricity generation has no lack of energy!
    In fact if coal/gas start to run out the price goes up and renewables or long-lasting nuclear energy become more attractive anyway.

    2. Electricity generation has no energy security worries!
    It has no energy security implication that say oil (Middle East) or natural gas (Russia) has, since little of these are used for electricy generation.

    3. Consumers can of course choose energy efficient appliances if they like them.Inefficient types of these appliances (like lighting) have their own advantages - or noone would buy them.
    Light bulbs are of course extremely popular, bought around 9 times out of 10 as a free choice by consumers both in the EU and the USA, and similarly elsewhere.
    Cheapness is certainly part of it, but you don't keep buying something just because it's cheap - or avoid something just because it's expensive - or any other expensive alternative products - whether handbags or forklift trucks- would not exist on the market.
    Light bulbs give out a fast responding bright broad spectrum type of light, that many like.
    More onwards

    4. Light bulbs don't give out any gases!If emissions need to be reduced - then reduce them directly at power station level, the technology is there, including renewable energy spread
    More onwards
    The problem with banning bulbs etc is also that it is unfair on emission-free households, now and in the future, who are needlessly stopped from buying what they obviously want to use.

    As you say the energy savings are small anyway.
    Also see
    If light bulbs really must be targeted they could be taxed.
    After all, this is a ban for consumption reasons, not safety reasons (light bulbs don't give out any gases, remember!)
    Therefore a tax can not only reduce consumption, it gives government income at the same time
    - that can be used for emission lowering measures more than any remianing light bulb use causes them -
    while retaining consumer choice.
    Product taxation is not the first choice (still unfair on emission-free households) but better than bans for all concerned.

    Accepting that power station carbon emissions are a cause for concern on current scientific evidence,
    the correct choice is simply to impose emission regulation on all power plants, with due regard to consumer impact (better electricity competition in grids that lower prices,
    home energy/insulation schemes for consumers etc).

    Life can be simple and life can be hard.
    Either you deal directly with a problem, or you don't....
